Rangelands comprise nearly 60-percent of California’s land base and are an essential resource for sequestering carbon, growing forage for livestock production, providing habitat for numerous wildlife species, and are critical to maintaining healthy water supplies.
Our expert team at Althouse and Meade provides decades of experience, restoration and botanical specialists and a Certified Rangeland Management Specialist that apply the latest in scientific research and knowledge in their consulting to develop site specific plans tailored to meet your management goals and objectives.
Rangeland Condition Monitoring and Trend Analysis
We assess existing rangeland health and conditions by assessing ecosystem functions
Long term monitoring and trend analysis provides crucial data to direct management decisions towards your specific goals and objectives
Forage Assesments
Need to know how many animals to stock? We assess forage production, calculate stocking rates, adjust for wildlife use and help you plan your grazing timing
Our team completes residual dry matter sampling and mapping​
Management Plans and Implementation
Grazing Management Plans
Restoration/Mitigation Plans
Wildlife/Game Management Plans
Habitat and Land Management Plans
Renewable Energy Farms Land Management Plans
Integrated Pest and Invasive Species Management Plans
Botanical Resource Assesment
Our team has expert botanists to create a full botanical assessment of your land​
Rangeland Mapping
Our rangeland specialists partner with our skilled team of GIS specialists to develop numerous different maps including habitat maps, resource location maps, vegetation maps, residual dry matter and forage production maps just to name a few​
Environmental Permit Compliance
Need a permit to create a road across your stream? We work directly with California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the U.S. Army corps of Engineers to get necessary permits for any work within riparian areas, streams, or wetlands
Watershed Management
Our team has experience collecting water samples and interpreting results to apply in management
Need to improve your watershed cycle? We consult and write plans to improve water quality and stream habitat
Conservation Banking
Our team works with California Department of Fish and Wildlife to write, implement, and manage conservation banks